Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Comfort Eating

Wow! What a subject! Right? I decided to write on this for a minute cause I am so guilty of this. Yeah, when stress hits, I hit the food! HA!  I don't know why I'm like this, but I am. Some people won't eat when they are stressed or down in the dumps. Well, I will go searching for food, especially junk food, whether I'm hungry or not. I really want to change this pattern in my life. It's not pleasing to the LORD.
   Our bodies belong to God and we are supposed to take care of ourselves. "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of GOD, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify GOD in your body, and in your spirit, which are GOD's." 1Cor.6:19-20 But we're also supposed to trust in GOD alone. Turning to food during stress, IS NOT  trusting GOD alone.  I read a wonderful devotional, by Lorraine Ezell recently, regarding this subject. This prompted me to write about this. I have been trying to change my eating habits for awhile now. I plan to pray the next time and each time afterwards that I feel stressed and want to grab food. GOD will always comfort me. Food won't! How about you? Do you use food for comfort? Well, don't wait til Jan. 1st to change your eating habits. Start today, start NOW! Trust GOD, not food!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wonderful Childhood Memories!

Wonderful Childhood Memories!
        Kingsley Lake (a.k.a. Strickland's Landing), located in Starke, Fl. is a place that I'll never forget. My family and I lived in Jacksonville Fl, and spent alot of time at this lake! It was fabulous! So clear and cool and definitely FUN! Our close friends, the Christophers, would go too. We always had a blast! I was very young, but I still remember! Such great memories.  I learned how to swim in this lake. There were big and little slides, diving boards, piers, pavilions, and much more! I went back to visit in the early 80's and learned how to ski there too! It's not open to the public anymore which is a shame! But there are many families who now live by the lake or rent their lake homes ( I know someone who rents, if you are interested). One year we rented a cabin the same week the Christophers did. Some great fun we had too!  I remember me and Timmy chasing minnows up and down the shore. I also remember always wanting to get Sugar Daddy candybars. I hope to go back and visit Kingsley Lake soon! I have many childhood memories, but this lake and it's many visits and memories are some of the most special to me. I have a few pictures placed above! The campgrounds were gorgeous! I imagine they still are!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Man That I"ll Never Forget! My Fallen Hero!

Good Day, Family and Friends!
      KIA Aug. 30, 2004 in Al-Qaim, Iraq
      5th Group, Co. C, ODA 531
      Special Forces Medic
      Before I get started, I noticed a typo in my last post. I put down Aug. 31st, as Aaron's 7th death anniversary, but it's Aug. 30th instead and I"d like to clear that up! Today is a hard day for me and my family. I"m sure tears will be shed before the day is over. I know I have shed some already. I know, which Glenda reminded me, that Aaron wouldn't want us crying. But that's easier said than done. Glenda and Ross Holleyman (my sister and brother-in-law) are his parents. Kelly and Daniel are his siblings. I cry because I miss him so much, but also they are happy tears cause I'm so proud of his love and dedication to our country. He died doing what he loved...fighting for our freedom. I am so proud of Aaron!
       When Aaron was a baby, I lived with my sister and her family and helped take care of him. What a privilege! I remember feeding him, changing his diapers, playing with him, and taking him for walks on MC's campus. Those are cherished memories! He had this Muppet (dog)hand puppet that he loved for me to play peek-a-boo with him.I can't remember the dog's name though. I can still hear Aaron laughing out loud. I'd put the puppet in front of my face and also act like the puppet was talking. Aaron loved it! I did too! LOL   Aaron was and will always be near and dear to my heart! He was like one of my own. I remember going to some of his ballgames and cheering him on. He was a happy child and grew to be a happy and wonderful young man! He had three children of his own. They are Erin Michele, Shelby, and Zachary. He loved his children soooo much! He spent as much time with them as he could. He hated to have to go off to war but knew in his heart that he was doing it for them and all Americans! A big sacrifice! But that's what Aaron was all about...Being honorable and responsible! He loved his country!
      Aaron attended part of his school years in Clinton, MS and Glasgow, MT. He was active in sports and very smart. He knew even while in high school that he wanted to enroll in the Army. So he and his parents took care of all that and when he graduated, he headed off to Boot Camp! He loved it! He made it his career! He was on his 2nd tour of duty, when a DOT( I believe that is what it is called). went off under his vehicle. I pray that he never knew what happened and was without pain. He had already been in one accident, which resulted from a ruptured ear drum. He decided to go back on second tour because he didn't want to leave his group without a medic. What devotion for his ARMY brothers. He hadn't been a medic for long, but made a huge impression on his leaders and crew.  Aaron definitely knew his stuff!
      I will never forget that day when we found out. I won't go into it because it's just too painful. We were all in shock, I think. Sometimes I think I"m still in shock, even 7 yrs. later. After getting that first phone call about his first injury (close call), I think our defenses weren't grounded. I guess we really didn't think it would happen again to us. BUT IT DID!  I still keep asking, " WHY? Why did it happen to Aaron? But this I do believe is, that he is with our LORD JESUS now. Even before he died, he was witnessing and sharing his faith in GOD and JESUS!  The guys tried to revive him, but it was too late. They all loved him like we do. But God loves him even MORE than we do. We found out later that his best friend and team member accepted Christ as his Savior the day that Aaron was buried (Sept. 7, 2004). WOW! SO WONDERFUL!
     I could go on and on about Aaron, but I'll close for now, and add some pictures.If I think of more memories of Aaron, I'll add them later. I hope you have enjoyed his memorial. If you never knew Aaron, you missed out big time! He was a treasure! I, along with many others, will never forget Aaron. He is my FALLEN HERO!  I'm looking forward to seeing him again in HEAVEN one day!  I love and miss you, AARON!!!!  I'm so proud of you too!

Luv, Vik   (Aaron's Aunt Vickie)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

This has been one long day!

     This has been one long day! WOWWwwww! I've done some housework and computer work. I've been trying to get a website up and going for a very dear friend of mine. I"m almost finished. Talk about a challenge!  It has been another hot one today too! I am so ready for winter!
      Yesterday, we went to get Deanna and spent some time with Lyrik. He's my little sweetie! I miss him already! I am posting some pics here.
       I saw in the news where more soldiers were killed this weekend. It is sooo sad to hear this. My heart goes out to all the families. I know the feeling. My whole family knows the heartache. My nephew Aaron, was killed in action on Aug. 31, 2004. I love all the troops and what they're doing for our country, but we want you back home safe! Aaron is my fallen hero! On that date, I'll write a special memorial blog post. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bundle of Joy

Wow! This summer has flown by! I've had a grandson and worked since my last post. I'm back home now so hopefully I will have more time to add posts. Bubba and I have a new grandson, Lyrik Bradley Berryhill! He is our little bundle of joy! He is growing so fast too! Joshua and April are the proud parents. He was born, May 13, 2011. He weighed 6 pounds but now at 2.5 mos., he is at 12 pounds. He's cooing and smiling, and oh so strong! Here are a few pictures! The first one is when he was born, second one is grandparents and Lyrik, third one, is parents with Lyrik, and the fourth one is what he looks like now!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter! What a great day!

  Greetings Everyone!
          We just celebrated Easter this past Sunday. It was a quiet day for us. My husband, daughter, and I went to church. The worship service was wonderful. Then we came home and had a great meal and then took an afternoon nap. That afternoon, my daughter and I went to visit some friends. The wind was blowing like crazy, but it was still a beautiful day! Another great Easter! It is one of my favorite holdiays, with Christmas being my favorite one. It seems like every year the commercialism seems to make this holy day less than it is.It is more important to remember God sacrificing his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, and then rise again.  Hallelujah!  Sure, I can remember growing up and getting a new dress and a Easter basket, but my memories also always include going to church and being taught about the real meaning of Easter.When I was 9 years old, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. What a day! My eternity with God had begun and I am bound for Heaven when God takes me home, because of my faith. If it wasn't for my belief in Jesus as God's Son and his gift of Salvation, Christmas and Easter would be meaningless to me. It's great to spend time with friends and family and  hunting decoratively colored eggs, or just plastic ones, and other fun festivities, but just don't forget the real meaning of EASTER~ celebrating Jesus's death and resurrection!
     I've started taking better care of myself, since  March 1st. I"m not on any certain diet, just cutting back, eating better, and exercising daily. I've lost 10 pounds so far! I know that's not much, but I"m not trying to lose it fast, but sensible. I didn't lose any weight last week, but I'm not gonna be discouraged. I realize that some weeks my weight will plateau. BUT, I"m starting to get back into old , smaller, clothes. Yes, that means success to me!  My indigestion and acid reflux has improved too. I am feeling so much better! Although, I have to say that I haven't been able to do this without God's help.I want to serve HIM with a healthy body. It says in scripture..."Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own." 1 Corinthians 6:19   (NIV)  I have been on several different diets and this one is the best~just learning how to eat properly.
    I"m gonna close now. I hope all my readers are having a great week! Take care and God Bless!
Love, Vik

Monday, April 18, 2011

Football and Life...

HI, Folks!
   I know you are probably wondering what my title here means. Well, if not, you're still gonna find out. Ha! Football is now my favorite sport of course. It hasn't always been like that though. I come from a family who was/is very sportsminded and talented. I was always more interested in music. I liked sports and had several favorites, but football wasn't one of them. When my daughter, Deanna, was in junior high and high school, I would go to the football games with her. I got hooked! But with that, I became more interested in college football.A few years ago, I heard about a college quarterback, Tim Tebow, who was and still is a very dedicated Christian athlete.Not too many people haven't heard of him. We need more Tebow's playing sports! I also restarted my love for Univ. of Florida Gators. Afterall, he was a Gator! I've always been a Gator fan, but that just made the flame rekindle and get stronger. Tim is now graduated and playing for the Denver Broncos.(Yup, you guessed it , I'm a Broncos fan too!) He was a #1 draft pick. He is the BEST!  Tim works hard everyday at the gift (playing football)  that God gave him. He portrays his love for God ON and OFF the field. He has inspired me so much. It's tough many days, as I'm sure it is for Tim. God has given me the gift to write and draw and I want to improve on those gifts to serve God everyday! LIFE, is what God gave us and He wants us to love and serve HIM as we use our gifts in our lifetime.Yes, there will be roadblocks along the way, but we have to trust God to get us through them. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, " If you don't use it, you lose it." So...get out there and use your God-given gifts to serve HIM!  GOD  is sooooooooo worth it!
   Here's a football joke...."A guy took his girlfriend to her first football game. Afterward he asked her how she liked the game."
    "I liked it, but I could not understand why they were killing each other for twenty-five cents," she said.
   "What are you talking about?" he asked.
   " Well, everyone kept yelling to get the quarter back?"  Taken from "Healing Through Humor" by Charles and Frances Hunter            I hope my smart readers got this!
   Ok, I have a story, art, and cards to work on now, so I'm gonna close this for today. I hope you are enjoying reading my posts.
Have a great day and week!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wow! This day is gorgeous!

Greeting, Family and/or Friends!
     Wow! This day is the first post of my journal and this day is so gorgeous outside! After yesterday's storms and aftermath, it's so wonderful to enjoy God's creation and beauty! Yesterday, so many people got hit really hard by ravaging tornadoes, but thankfully we were spared. I am so thankful! My prayers go out to all victims though. If you, as my reader, are a victim, read this...YES, you are in my prayers! REMEMBER...No matter how bad things get, God IS and ALWAYS will BE in control! We just have to think about our blessings and thank HIM..
    As I was signing up for this blog, I got stumped on what I wanted to name it. This phrase (Too Blessed to be Stressed) has been in my head for so long, it won't go away. LOL  I decided to make it my title. I mean, why not? I have endured alot of depression and my health hasn't been the greatest in the past months. But ya know what? I haven't been doing it right. I've been  trying to do things MY WAY. We as Christians, won't get much accomplished when we try to do things our way. We have to trust God and let HIM be in charge.
   I want to make my blog a source of encouragement. I also want to let this be part of practicing my writing skills. I have already finished one book, which is a children's book. I still need to get it edited and get the illustrations done. I'm presently working on a Christian Romance novel. Talk about a challenge!
   I will add that God has lead me to eating better and exercising daily. Believe me, I could't do it without HIM. Afterall, I"ve lost 7 pounds in about 6 weeks. I know that probably doesn't sound like much but it's great to me! I"m not on any certain diet, just cutting back. I'm feeling so much better too!
   I want to leave you with something to think about as I close this post..."Would a fly without wings be called a walk?" (Taken from "Healing Through Humor" by Charles and Frances Hunter. I love this book! Well, I will close now. GOD BLESS each and everyone!