Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wow! This day is gorgeous!

Greeting, Family and/or Friends!
     Wow! This day is the first post of my journal and this day is so gorgeous outside! After yesterday's storms and aftermath, it's so wonderful to enjoy God's creation and beauty! Yesterday, so many people got hit really hard by ravaging tornadoes, but thankfully we were spared. I am so thankful! My prayers go out to all victims though. If you, as my reader, are a victim, read this...YES, you are in my prayers! REMEMBER...No matter how bad things get, God IS and ALWAYS will BE in control! We just have to think about our blessings and thank HIM..
    As I was signing up for this blog, I got stumped on what I wanted to name it. This phrase (Too Blessed to be Stressed) has been in my head for so long, it won't go away. LOL  I decided to make it my title. I mean, why not? I have endured alot of depression and my health hasn't been the greatest in the past months. But ya know what? I haven't been doing it right. I've been  trying to do things MY WAY. We as Christians, won't get much accomplished when we try to do things our way. We have to trust God and let HIM be in charge.
   I want to make my blog a source of encouragement. I also want to let this be part of practicing my writing skills. I have already finished one book, which is a children's book. I still need to get it edited and get the illustrations done. I'm presently working on a Christian Romance novel. Talk about a challenge!
   I will add that God has lead me to eating better and exercising daily. Believe me, I could't do it without HIM. Afterall, I"ve lost 7 pounds in about 6 weeks. I know that probably doesn't sound like much but it's great to me! I"m not on any certain diet, just cutting back. I'm feeling so much better too!
   I want to leave you with something to think about as I close this post..."Would a fly without wings be called a walk?" (Taken from "Healing Through Humor" by Charles and Frances Hunter. I love this book! Well, I will close now. GOD BLESS each and everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love the title to your blog! Looking forward to reading more entries.
