Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Man That I"ll Never Forget! My Fallen Hero!

Good Day, Family and Friends!
      KIA Aug. 30, 2004 in Al-Qaim, Iraq
      5th Group, Co. C, ODA 531
      Special Forces Medic
      Before I get started, I noticed a typo in my last post. I put down Aug. 31st, as Aaron's 7th death anniversary, but it's Aug. 30th instead and I"d like to clear that up! Today is a hard day for me and my family. I"m sure tears will be shed before the day is over. I know I have shed some already. I know, which Glenda reminded me, that Aaron wouldn't want us crying. But that's easier said than done. Glenda and Ross Holleyman (my sister and brother-in-law) are his parents. Kelly and Daniel are his siblings. I cry because I miss him so much, but also they are happy tears cause I'm so proud of his love and dedication to our country. He died doing what he loved...fighting for our freedom. I am so proud of Aaron!
       When Aaron was a baby, I lived with my sister and her family and helped take care of him. What a privilege! I remember feeding him, changing his diapers, playing with him, and taking him for walks on MC's campus. Those are cherished memories! He had this Muppet (dog)hand puppet that he loved for me to play peek-a-boo with him.I can't remember the dog's name though. I can still hear Aaron laughing out loud. I'd put the puppet in front of my face and also act like the puppet was talking. Aaron loved it! I did too! LOL   Aaron was and will always be near and dear to my heart! He was like one of my own. I remember going to some of his ballgames and cheering him on. He was a happy child and grew to be a happy and wonderful young man! He had three children of his own. They are Erin Michele, Shelby, and Zachary. He loved his children soooo much! He spent as much time with them as he could. He hated to have to go off to war but knew in his heart that he was doing it for them and all Americans! A big sacrifice! But that's what Aaron was all about...Being honorable and responsible! He loved his country!
      Aaron attended part of his school years in Clinton, MS and Glasgow, MT. He was active in sports and very smart. He knew even while in high school that he wanted to enroll in the Army. So he and his parents took care of all that and when he graduated, he headed off to Boot Camp! He loved it! He made it his career! He was on his 2nd tour of duty, when a DOT( I believe that is what it is called). went off under his vehicle. I pray that he never knew what happened and was without pain. He had already been in one accident, which resulted from a ruptured ear drum. He decided to go back on second tour because he didn't want to leave his group without a medic. What devotion for his ARMY brothers. He hadn't been a medic for long, but made a huge impression on his leaders and crew.  Aaron definitely knew his stuff!
      I will never forget that day when we found out. I won't go into it because it's just too painful. We were all in shock, I think. Sometimes I think I"m still in shock, even 7 yrs. later. After getting that first phone call about his first injury (close call), I think our defenses weren't grounded. I guess we really didn't think it would happen again to us. BUT IT DID!  I still keep asking, " WHY? Why did it happen to Aaron? But this I do believe is, that he is with our LORD JESUS now. Even before he died, he was witnessing and sharing his faith in GOD and JESUS!  The guys tried to revive him, but it was too late. They all loved him like we do. But God loves him even MORE than we do. We found out later that his best friend and team member accepted Christ as his Savior the day that Aaron was buried (Sept. 7, 2004). WOW! SO WONDERFUL!
     I could go on and on about Aaron, but I'll close for now, and add some pictures.If I think of more memories of Aaron, I'll add them later. I hope you have enjoyed his memorial. If you never knew Aaron, you missed out big time! He was a treasure! I, along with many others, will never forget Aaron. He is my FALLEN HERO!  I'm looking forward to seeing him again in HEAVEN one day!  I love and miss you, AARON!!!!  I'm so proud of you too!

Luv, Vik   (Aaron's Aunt Vickie)

1 comment:

  1. I just love these pictures of Aaron with his kids. I went to school with Aaron in Clinton. I think about him and his family often, especially his children. Thoughts and prayers with his family this Memorial weekend.
