Saturday, August 6, 2011

This has been one long day!

     This has been one long day! WOWWwwww! I've done some housework and computer work. I've been trying to get a website up and going for a very dear friend of mine. I"m almost finished. Talk about a challenge!  It has been another hot one today too! I am so ready for winter!
      Yesterday, we went to get Deanna and spent some time with Lyrik. He's my little sweetie! I miss him already! I am posting some pics here.
       I saw in the news where more soldiers were killed this weekend. It is sooo sad to hear this. My heart goes out to all the families. I know the feeling. My whole family knows the heartache. My nephew Aaron, was killed in action on Aug. 31, 2004. I love all the troops and what they're doing for our country, but we want you back home safe! Aaron is my fallen hero! On that date, I'll write a special memorial blog post. Have a great weekend!

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