Monday, April 18, 2011

Football and Life...

HI, Folks!
   I know you are probably wondering what my title here means. Well, if not, you're still gonna find out. Ha! Football is now my favorite sport of course. It hasn't always been like that though. I come from a family who was/is very sportsminded and talented. I was always more interested in music. I liked sports and had several favorites, but football wasn't one of them. When my daughter, Deanna, was in junior high and high school, I would go to the football games with her. I got hooked! But with that, I became more interested in college football.A few years ago, I heard about a college quarterback, Tim Tebow, who was and still is a very dedicated Christian athlete.Not too many people haven't heard of him. We need more Tebow's playing sports! I also restarted my love for Univ. of Florida Gators. Afterall, he was a Gator! I've always been a Gator fan, but that just made the flame rekindle and get stronger. Tim is now graduated and playing for the Denver Broncos.(Yup, you guessed it , I'm a Broncos fan too!) He was a #1 draft pick. He is the BEST!  Tim works hard everyday at the gift (playing football)  that God gave him. He portrays his love for God ON and OFF the field. He has inspired me so much. It's tough many days, as I'm sure it is for Tim. God has given me the gift to write and draw and I want to improve on those gifts to serve God everyday! LIFE, is what God gave us and He wants us to love and serve HIM as we use our gifts in our lifetime.Yes, there will be roadblocks along the way, but we have to trust God to get us through them. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, " If you don't use it, you lose it." So...get out there and use your God-given gifts to serve HIM!  GOD  is sooooooooo worth it!
   Here's a football joke...."A guy took his girlfriend to her first football game. Afterward he asked her how she liked the game."
    "I liked it, but I could not understand why they were killing each other for twenty-five cents," she said.
   "What are you talking about?" he asked.
   " Well, everyone kept yelling to get the quarter back?"  Taken from "Healing Through Humor" by Charles and Frances Hunter            I hope my smart readers got this!
   Ok, I have a story, art, and cards to work on now, so I'm gonna close this for today. I hope you are enjoying reading my posts.
Have a great day and week!

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